Pipe diffusers - fine-bubble

Pipe diffusers
The aeration diffuser is a device designed for mixing and oxygenation of water, used in waste water treatment plants, fish farms, ponds, etc.
The diffusers can be divided into:
- Coarse bubble diffusers
- Medium bubble diffusers
- Fine bubble diffusers
Coarse bubble diffusers are used to mix water masses where oxygen transfer is very low.
Fine bubble diffusers release a stream of fine bubbles in water which rise significantly slower to the surface than the coarse bubbles, fed into the water through a perforated membrane, which allows a large amount of oxygen to pass efficiently into the water. The creation of an oxygen environment will enable the growth and multiplication of aerobic bacteria which clean water masses from organic substances very intensively, thus helping to decompose the sludge by enzymatic activity. The issue of air is all the more important because aerating waste water consumes about 50-70% of the WWTP's total energy. Diffusers thus reduce the total required electrical energy in the WWTP with their high oxygen transfer efficiency. In addition, these devices, located at the bottom of the tank, make it possible to create flexible conditions (on/off) with regard to the oxygen content/need and related organisms, and to regulate their activity which is an integral part of waste water treatment. This involves the creation of various zones, such as an oxic or aerobic zone with enough oxygen for the life of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, an anoxic zone with very low oxygen concentration, suitable for the survival of denitrifying bacteria, through to an anaerobic zone where oxygen is not present at all. In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus is also removed from waste water by bacteria.
Among other things, diffusers prevent sludge from settling on the bottom of the tank and allow mixing.
We manufacture and install tubular diffusers with the PUM 68 aeration membrane (fine bubble diffusers) according to specific customer requirements
The polyurethane membrane is flexible and resistant both to mechanical stress and aggressive environments and microorganisms. The recommended water temperature of up to 30°C guarantees a long service life. The method and density of perforation, together with the properties of the material used, ensure, in addition to spontaneous dewatering and prevention of clogging, a large number of fine bubbles which facilitate the transfer of oxygen. Low pressure drop and efficient use of oxygen influence the economics of operating aeration systems equipped with these membranes.
Pipe diffusers
Size calculator
Please input desired hydraulic flow and suspended solids content. Our calculator will suggest you optimum size of machine...
- WT primary sludge - raw sludge from activation (ČOV – surový kal z aktivace): 0,5–1%
- WWT secondary sludge - after final settling tank (ČOV – stabilizovaný, zahuštěný kal): 1,5–4 %
- Sludge from DAF (Kal z flotace): 2–4 %
- Biogas station sludges (Kaly z produkce bioplynu): 4–6 %
- Grease traps, oil separation (Lapáky tuku, olejové aplikace): 4-6%
Capacity of MP-DW - dry material flow per hour :
- MP-DW-131: 10 kg/h
- MP-DW-201: 30 kg/h
- MP-DW-301: 60 kg/h
- MP-DW-302: 120 kg/h
- MP-DW-401: 140 kg/h
- MP-DW-402: 280 kg/h
- MP-DW-403: 420 kg/h