Automatic polymer preparation units - ASP

Automatic polymer preparation units - ASP
Automatic polymer preparation units are used for making polymer water solution from neat polymer (emmulsion form/liquid or powder type) without need of assistance of operator. Available either in stainless steel or PP.
Automatic polymer station is used for preparing polymer solution for subsequent dosing to dewatering machines MP-DW series. Station consists of storage and mixing chambers. Storage chamber is source of polymer solution for use in dewatering, upper (mixing) chamber is used for preparing solution.
Both chambers are equipped with level probes. Once polymer in storage chamber drops below certain level, new preparation cycle is triggered.
After starting new preparation cycle, bypass valve between both chambers is closed, clean water valve (solenoid valve) is open. After mixing chamber is filled with clean water, dosing device of polymer (pump for liquid concentrate or powder dispenser) switches on, as well as mixing motor. After mixing of content of chamber is finished (time defined), content of chamber is transferred to storage chamber by opening the bypass valve. Solution concentration is defined by duration of operation of dosing device.
ASP (Automatic polymer station) is equipped with dedicated control box with HMI (touch screen panel) for controlling the device, setting up operation times and alarms debugging. ASP is either equipped with with liquid polymer concentrate or screw powder dispenser for usage with powder-based polymers. When powder polymer version is used, hopper of powder dispenser is equipped with heating cables to avoid wetting of polymer powder and solenoid for knocking of hopper.
Automatic polymer preparation units - ASP
Size calculator
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- WT primary sludge - raw sludge from activation (ČOV – surový kal z aktivace): 0,5–1%
- WWT secondary sludge - after final settling tank (ČOV – stabilizovaný, zahuštěný kal): 1,5–4 %
- Sludge from DAF (Kal z flotace): 2–4 %
- Biogas station sludges (Kaly z produkce bioplynu): 4–6 %
- Grease traps, oil separation (Lapáky tuku, olejové aplikace): 4-6%
Capacity of MP-DW - dry material flow per hour :
- MP-DW-131: 10 kg/h
- MP-DW-201: 30 kg/h
- MP-DW-301: 60 kg/h
- MP-DW-302: 120 kg/h
- MP-DW-401: 140 kg/h
- MP-DW-402: 280 kg/h
- MP-DW-403: 420 kg/h